Summer Discount: 10% OFF across all advertised prices

New build starter package

£629 inc vat

4m2 of raised loft boarding, 3 section 'smooth glide' loft ladder with handrail.

What's Included...

A professionally installed 4 square metre area of 18mm T&G loft boarding.

NHBC and BBA approved fully ventilated LOFTJOIST subframe system.

The market leading 3 section 'smooth glide' aluminium loft ladder with handrail.

Operating pole for ladder - full demonstration of ladder operation at handover.

Always fitted in half a day to minimise disruption.

Lifetime guarantee - from a family business that has already stood the test of time.

Our 'No Mess' guarantee- dust sheets laid from front door to work area.

LOFTJOIST Subframe and boarding are PEFC certified for environmental sustainability.

Enough room for the Holiday Suitcases and Xmas Decorations.

Order This Package

This package needs a free survey before we can go ahead. Please contact us to arrange your no-obligation free survey.