The Highest Performing Raised Loft Boarding System in the UK
Protecting you and your property. LOFTJOIST is the ONLY Structurally Enhancing Loft Storage floor system in the UK.
Our professionally installed LOFTJOIST raised loft boarding subframe is the only system in the UK which will actually enhance the structural integrity of your home.
Our BBA approved and certified LOFTJOIST are extremely lightweight, incredibly strong, structurally engineered, ventilated, load bearing timber I beam joists that deflect and disperse load outwardly and evenly - not vertically, as associated with DIY stilts/legs/zones.
Our professional cross braced installation process.adheres to the engineering principle of 'strength in co-operative unity'. By securely fastening our LOFTJOIST I beams at every ceiling joist intersection - without exception - we are constructing a subframe which consolidates your ceiling into a considerably stronger, cohesive structural platform.
Ensuring totally even weight distribution across multiple ceiling joists throughout your new boarding area preventing joist isolation and overload.
Maximising & Protecting Your Homes' Thermal efficiency
Our professionally installed LOFTJOIST raised loft boarding system will protect deep levels of insulation and maintain maximum levels of thermal efficiency. It's crucial that your loft insulation is not squashed, or put into compression when introducing any storage floor into your loft - as this will significantly impair its ability to trap warm air and prevent heat loss.
Compressing insulation doubles U-Value and heat loss. Professionally installed LOFTJOIST Subframe from Attic Alert will fully protect all levels of insulation up to the latest BBA requirement for new build properties of 300mm. In order to prevent interstitial condensation it's also fundamental that proper ventilation is maintained between the top of your insulation and the underside of your barding.
LOFTJOIST is also cross ventilated to ensure maximum air flow and thermal efficiency.
100% NHBC Compliant & BBA Building Regs Approved & Certified
100% NHBC compliant and will NOT affect your New Build Warranty, here's what they say themselves;
NHBC: "If Installed at the instruction of the homeowner, boarding does not invalidate our warranty, but any defects found to result from the installation of said system e.g. condensation or structural damage, would not be covered by the warranty, therefore homeowners have it installed at their own risk. This applies to any changes made to the building after the warranty period has begun."
Moreover LOFTJOIST engineered timber I beams continue to be the gold standard for fully load bearing floor joists throughout the house building industry, and specifically in the vast majority of New Build NHBC warrantied homes throughout the UK, and have been for decades. Where they also 100% BBA Building Regulations Approved & Certified.